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Steven Chu pledges $350m clean tech fund to sweeten deal at Copenhagen

"The fund will be used to encourage the development of renewable energy projects such as wind and solar power and more energy efficient appliances in the developing world."


US left behind in technological race to fight climate change

"A speech by the US energy secretary, Steven Chu, shows how America's unquestioning belief in the free market has held back technological innovation"


Emissions 'higher than reported'

"Emissions of some greenhouse gases are substantially higher than companies and countries report, say scientists."

Category: Climate Change


UK Met Office warns carbon emissions must peak by 2020

"Keeping global temperature rise under 2C (3.7F) will be almost impossible unless carbon emissions begin to fall within a decade, analysis suggests."

Category: Climate Change


UNEP maps extreme weather events worldwide

"From Atlantic hurricanes to Australian droughts, extreme weather events are more frequent and more violent"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 296 to 300 out of 1185